Monday, September 17, 2012

Stanhopea Resources


This list of resources is not intended to be all encompassing.  I have listed some resources that I think will be most useful to the Stanhopea grower.  If you know of a good resource, please feel free to post a comment so that other people can learn from your experiences.

Web Resources
Stanhopea Pages - Nina Rach's excellent page on the genus

Essence of Stanhopea - A fantastic blog full of information and photos of Stanhopea

Stanhopeas Aren't Finicky - This a a great beginners guide to growing Stanhopeas by Barney Greer

Stanhopea Passion - Fernand Faria's blog of Stanhopea photos and ecology - in French

Stanhopea Collection From Gabriel - Nice blog with species photos and cultural information

IOSPE - Orchid photo encyclopedia that also has descriptions - search on Stanhopea

Orchid Board - This is a Catasetum and Stanhopea Alliance forum - you can search for Stanhopea posts

Foxdale Orchids - A rather good series of photographs of Stanhopea species and hybrids.

The Stanhopea Book - Rudolf Jenny's excellent monograph of the genus Stanhopea.

The Astonishing Stanhopeas - Barney Greer's book on the culture of several Stanhopea species grown in Australia.

Dodson, C.H. and G.P. Frymire. 1961. Preliminary Studies in the Genus Stanhopea (Orchidaceae), Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v. 48 (2) pp. 137-172. May .
Dondson, C.H.  1963. The Mexican Stanhopeas.  American Orchid Society Bulletin. pp 115-129. February.
Jenny, R. 1993. The Genus Stanhopea.  American Orchid Society Bulletin. pp 1270-1276 December.

Kennedy, G.C. 1975. The Stanhopeas of Mexico.  Orchid Digest.  pp 178-182 Sept.-Oct.

Kimnach, M. 1978. The cultivation of Stanhopeas. AOS Bulletin 47(9): 784-794.
Kraus, L. 1984.  The culture of Stanhopeas – “Confessions of a Requited Lover”. AOS Bulletin 53(4): 358-366.
Plant Sources
 There are too many suppliers of orchids to list them all, so I would suggest the following website where you can search for orchid nurseries nearest to your location.  This site also has some good lists of websites and blogs for orchids as well:


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